Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Family Therapy

My husband, our 2 dogs, and I went to "Family Therapy" last night...alright, Canine Obedience Training session #4. It sure does feel like "therapy", though!
Yes, we've got "issues" that we're trying to correct; and yes, we both need to be consistent!
Bolita, because she's younger, is so much easier to "train" than Chiquita.
Overall, sessions are going well, and it appears that we are all learning to work together on finding agreeable solutions to our "issues".
For your information- Both of our dogs are "Bichons" and both are adorable! Bolita is now 5 months old, and Chiquita is 6 years old.
Of course there will be pictures posted of our two little lovelies, just as soon as I learn how to post pictures! : )

Por cierto, cada mascota tiene su propia personalidad! Ver la interaccion entre ambas, es super interesante. Esta "interaccion" es muy parecida a la interaccion entre la gente...


Karen said...

You can always get a free Flickr account, that's really easy to use. :-)

I hope the "therapy" starts going really well ;-)

Have a great day!

Xolo said...

If you are on Windows, you can get Picasa (offered by Google for free). It is great because you can email photos and upload them directly into your blogger account.

I find that dog training is more like a language class where you learn how to communicate with your dog. Good luck!

Coco said...

Thank you for your comments and suggestions : )
My brother in law is going to show me how to get "flckr", and I'll let him know about "Picasa".
Lo que pasa es que soy una BRUTA para la technologia- SE MUY POCO DE ESTO!