Thursday, August 11, 2005


Yes, I'm scheduled for Arthroscopic Surgery...
It seems that I have a "partial" tear on my left Rotator Cuff. My doctor does NOT want me to wait until Thanksgiving/Christmas when I have my next "vacation". So, this procedure is being done next week!

He tenido ya tantos procedimientos médicos que cuando me preguntan que cuántos he tenido, tengo que mentalmente recorrer mi cuerpo visualizando las cicatrices!

I've spoken to my Administrators telling them that I might not be able to start the new school year...again!

Espero que esta "recuperación" sea rápida y con lo mas mínimo de dolor. Pues mi cuerpo tiende a recuperarse lentamente, y por si fuera poco, soy "cobarde" para el dolor!

And to change the subject- I'm reading The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova


Anonymous said...

Mis deseos de recuperacion inmediata.

Karen said...

Your shoulder is definitely more important and they'll just have to deal with it! *hugs*