Monday, October 15, 2007


On Friday, a friend at worked asked me a simple question...
What are your plans for this weekend?

I wasn't able to respond with words...
instead I just cried uncontrollably!

I thought to myself...
I'll be doing the same thing that I've been doing for the past few weeks.
Going to my mom's house, and sorting through my her personal belongings.

It was a difficult weekend...
All I've been doing is "crying".

I've also been thinking...
Am I depressed, or sad?


Kirin said...

I think that you're still sad over losing your mother. It hasn't been that long.

It will get easier as time goes by.


Cisco said...

Perhaps a little of both. Maybe sadness mostly. Crying is good I've heard.
Take good care of yourself.

J.S. Zolliker said...

I believe you are sad. Its the mourning process. But dont do what doesnt please you. Take your time. And when you are ready, you'll know it is time to go checkup that stuff. And if you belive yourself it is taking too long, if its starting to become a problem that affects your daily life, then, please go visit a speciallist. That might be the diference between swiming or boating through the Atlantic. Un abrazo!

ShoeGirl Corner said...

Sending you a big hug. It's a long process.

Meeka12 said...

i love u nina!

<3 mica

BEGT said...

hey Coco, i know it's a hard time, and even when i've lost loved ones before, i haven't lost my mom, so i can't say i know what you're going through... but i just wanted to say, after reading your post, that you just need time. this hard time will pass, so just give yourself time. dale tiempo al tiempo.
i know this culture and society often tells us to not fall behind, to keep up the pace... to run and look for un especialista as soon as you shed a tear.
pero yo creo que el tiempo y tiempo con la gente que amas, tus amigos, es la mejor medicina. and you'll know when enough is enough.


Adicta al Chocolate said...

Imagino que aún sientes la pérdida, y sientes su ausencia... igualmente imagino que el tiempo no borrará nada pero te ayudará a llevarlo mejor. Espero que así sea. Sé fuerte, estoy segura de que a tu madre le gustaría verte sonreír y ser feliz.

Un fuerte abrazo Coco.

Keshi said...

Depression is natural in a situation like's a grief that will never really leave'll be a part of u now. When u realise that, u'll feel much better and u will learn to live with it. Im saying this cos I never really got over my dad's death...from time to time, it still haunts me...but I hv learnt to live with it.

